Summary of last class(11).
I studied about the "Open-sources".
Models of politics (of resistance)-critical art ensemble, “intervention,” “disturbance,” and “post dialectics”-virus-open-source software and the “politics of artifacts”.
Resistance is tactics and means to oppose the strategies of "The Prince" countering the techniques and "technologies of power" that impose isolation, distraction and domination through surveillance, entertainment, and force.
- Electronic disturbance [virus , trojan horse , worm, bomb]
Worm was made Robert Morris, a 23 year old computer science graduate student at Cornell, brought the Internet to a virtual stop in 1988 with a “worm.” He was the first person prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Now, MIT professor.
Examples of open source software.
Operating systems : Linux ,FreeBSD,OpenBSD ...etc.
Internet: BIND, sendmail, Mozilla,OpenSSL ...etc.
Programming Tools: Zope, Languages, GNU compilers and tools.
Some dates from the history of open source.
UNIX operating system developed at Bell Labs and by a diverse group of contributors outside of Bell Labs; later AT&T enforces intellectual property rights and “closes” the code, in 1970s. Richard Stallman founds the Free Software Foundation, in 1983. Linus Torvalds releases first version of Linux built, in 1993. Debian Free Software Guidelines released, in 1997. Netscape releases Navigator in source, in 1998.