2008년 4월 26일 토요일

Summary of last class(6).

Summary of last class(6).

I studied about the "Human-Computer Interaction".

This class's key point is that people often interact with media technologies as though the technologies were people.
People made a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and tried to improve that.
But today, people try to make a new tool. For example, touch screen, percieving finger print or eye, incognizing voice or moving, webcam.
The new tool even considerated ergonomic. So now we can interact with computer more efficient and fast.
Computers are composed by 'Turned on' or 'off'(these are equal to '1' or '0' in number, and 'True' or 'False' in boolean number.). And the graphic, sound, programming in computers are composed to same things.
They by input and output devices are just 'turning'.

Human Computer Interaction.

Ethnomethodology simply means study of the ways in people make sense of their social world.

Ethnomethodology is fairlt recent socialogical perspective, founded by the American socialogist Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s.


This class is very interesting. I concentrate of class's content.

The image of Woody Allan is very interesting and fuuny.

2008년 4월 13일 일요일

Summary of last class(5).

Summary of last class(5).

I studied about the "Artificial Intelligence".

First, Alan Turing is founder of computer science and artificial intelligence. And he was mathematican philosopher, and codebreaker and a gay man. In Cambridge, he invented the Turing machine, And his major in Princeton University (Graduate school) was ligic, algebra, number theory Ph.D. And he introduced to german Enigma cipher machine in cambridge, and he broke of U-boat Enigma in World War II. After World War II, He did program and made meural nets and Artificial intelligence. He is also inventor of his "Imitation game".

This game's obect is to found real woman. 'The man's' object in the game to try and cause the interrogater to make the wrong identification. But the object of the game for 'The woman' is to help the interrogator.
But, who is a definition that arificial intelligence? Marvin Minsky gave a definition of artificial intelligence. He said that artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that
would require intelligence as if done by humans.
AI's research areas is knowledge representation, natural language understanding, speech understanding, vision and etc.
But, most people know that gps is global positioning system. However,GPS is what is known in AI as a planner, not global positioning system.
It is a computer program for thorems proof, geometric problems and chess playing.
But, they have frame problem.

This problem is that the problem of deciding what parts of the inertnal model to update when a change is made to the model or the external world.
And we learned about ELIZA. It is a computer program for the study of natural language communication between man and machine.


2008년 4월 5일 토요일

Summary of last class(4).

Summary of last class(4).

I studied about the "Social Networks".

Social Networks.

This class key points are that new media technologies usually reinforce with existing social networks or even work to isolate people. But new media technologies facilitate new social networks. It challenge at once existing social, political and economic.

Social networks are included in social science. Social scientists definited social networks important consequences with every individual. In social networks as science, the central is the guy who has the most relationships with others. Bridge is connector between relationships and other relationships.

And Social networks are included in Technology, Popular culture, Art. So users have repurposed the technology to present their identity and connect in personallymeaningful ways while the architect works to define and regulate acceptable models of use. We need to think the social scientific concepts of equivalent, centrality, even node and link.


This time study helped a gain and loss easily with many photograph data.

Kevin Bacon's theory, fortune portion was many in interest and it was good.