2008년 3월 29일 토요일

Summary of last class(3).

Summary of last class(3).

I studied about the "www: The world wide web".

World Wide Web was made by Tim berners-lee. It is the stated genealogy of the technology.
It is that people makes media and media makes people.
People and media acts mutual.

WWW is many liked hypertext. And hypertext makeup html, and then use http what is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.
WWW is a collaboratively authored hypertext. It is an aggregate with hypertext.

It was admited standard by many organizations. It is heterogeneous network of people and machines.
WWW is the very big network. And now it is essential to modern life. So create vairety organiization and standards for using www. For example ISO (International standards organization), IETF (Internet engineering task force), W3C (World-wide-web consortium).

Still it is difficult but the first compared to is feeling a fun in study. Me always a thing which will finish the best. The next hour, we learn regarding the social network. This subject in small quantity familiar thing becomes the expectation in us.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일

Summary of last class(2).

Summary of last class.


I studied about the "HyperText".

Hypertext is one way that digital technique has been understood is new form of it reads and it is write and it thinks. Hypertext is the way digital media has been understood.

New media is often used to simulate old media and new media don't replace old media, it displace other.

I learned two keypoints in last class.

I learn them through example of Engelbart.

Engelbart is inventer of the mouse, 2D display editing and hypermedia and outline processing, multiple window displays, document version control, remote procedure call protocols. And he has many careers in education and employment.

And Engelbart is consisted with the computer mouse, hypertext, object addressing and dynamic
file linking, shared-screen collaboration, communicating over a network with audio and video interface.

And they became the public debut by Engelbart. So mouse, windows, e-mail, and word processor have root in them. It is very amazing. Engelbart is a unique person. Computer development is important role. His thought was foundation of the network.

And Tristan Tzara wrote his poem, cut out article, cut the words that make up article and put them, take the articles one after the other in the order in which they left there. Standard computer-human interaction of the 1960's was batch processing.


This time study the general fatigue came out and it heard and it was very hard. But the maximum the hazard which it hears the result to endeavor very is known the fortune things in interest and was the study.

2008년 3월 15일 토요일

Summary of last class.

Summary of last class

I studied about the "welcome to the present"and "As We May Think".

- Wednesday

"welcome to the present"

There are two important key points of this week.

One is the digital media techonologies connect or separate people and another is that technologies embody social, political, cultural, economic and philosophical dieas and realationships. And we talked about egg for art material connect from another material to place painted.

I saw some pictures and explains connect or separate by power point system. Power point system is very interesting and Yoon professor's explanation too.

But study which it does with English in me is difficult.

- Friday

"As We May Think"

Vannevar bush designed for MEMEX.

MEMEX is very amazing. It is very similar with technique of today.

Bush's stated motivation is the method. Bush made the Memex because the way of collecting and of compressing data is hard when people have lots of note for study besides he wants to find the data faster and easier what he exactly need. And Bush was trying to solve the problem which suppose the idea were not enough. And Memex is help to scientist when they keep their own data. Also it helps people.

The index which is able to move to move, it like as the WWW.

Memex is the beginning of arranging the data and developing the information techonology. I really surprise the Structure of MEMEX.


I'm embarrassed in last class. Because I didn't read which text.

But the study contents is interest. Vannevar bush's Idea is very interesting and amazing.

But the study which it does still with English in me is difficult.