2008년 3월 22일 토요일

Summary of last class(2).

Summary of last class.


I studied about the "HyperText".

Hypertext is one way that digital technique has been understood is new form of it reads and it is write and it thinks. Hypertext is the way digital media has been understood.

New media is often used to simulate old media and new media don't replace old media, it displace other.

I learned two keypoints in last class.

I learn them through example of Engelbart.

Engelbart is inventer of the mouse, 2D display editing and hypermedia and outline processing, multiple window displays, document version control, remote procedure call protocols. And he has many careers in education and employment.

And Engelbart is consisted with the computer mouse, hypertext, object addressing and dynamic
file linking, shared-screen collaboration, communicating over a network with audio and video interface.

And they became the public debut by Engelbart. So mouse, windows, e-mail, and word processor have root in them. It is very amazing. Engelbart is a unique person. Computer development is important role. His thought was foundation of the network.

And Tristan Tzara wrote his poem, cut out article, cut the words that make up article and put them, take the articles one after the other in the order in which they left there. Standard computer-human interaction of the 1960's was batch processing.


This time study the general fatigue came out and it heard and it was very hard. But the maximum the hazard which it hears the result to endeavor very is known the fortune things in interest and was the study.

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